
A dragon's arch looms,

Orange fire fades to twilight,

Sea whispers secrets.

Cliff forged by old tales,

Silhouettes against the sky,

Legends breathe and live.

Twilight cradles sea,

Stone gateway to ancient myths,

Night cloaks its old heart.

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WOW. I Love this. Thank you Gloria it is beautiful to see what these pictures inspire. ❤

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It’s not just the photographs, it’s how you weave your poems to gild the lily.

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That honestly delights me 🙏

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The ineffable

Stark branches reach toward the sky

Look up at heaven

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Love this Heidi. Wow, isn’t ineffable a great word! ❤

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Yes, it’s one of my favorites!

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May 19Liked by April Whalley

I can recommend three books:

The Cloudspotter's Guide

The Cloud Collector's Handbook

A Cloud a Day

All by Gavin Pretor-Pinney, founder if the Cloud Appreciation Society.

Walks Looking to Sky


My Indian name.

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Oooo, this is such an exciting comment. Thank you Michael. I shall have a lot of fun investigating these. I love it when other people see things differently too. 🙏

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You have words in your pictures and pictures in your words.

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That’s lovely Stan. I like having pictures in my words, thank you🙏❤

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May 20Liked by April Whalley

There is so much beauty out there!

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Incredible isn't it ❤️🙏

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May 20Liked by April Whalley

Yes! Also, it’s incredible how you capture it so well through your pictures and words!

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Wonderful, thank you so much ❤️🙏

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Some very lovely clouds here.

My favourite part was definitely this bit at the start:

“Let us decide here and now to loudly object when anyone uses the word ‘just’ in the same breath as the word ‘clouds’!”

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Ha ha, yes can you imagine it! You just hold up your hand and say “let me stop you there… have you actually LOOKED at the world lately?”

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hola, april.

very beautiful, the movement resting on stillness. the solid a mirage of vapour and light.

(and i've loved taking cloud photos too!)

thank you for sharing the beautiful entanglement of word and image.


where does the eye's light

fall through from above the cloud

to firma terra?

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Thank you Guy. I do love the things that are so transitory we need to appreciate them in the very moment NOW, or else they are gone. All weather is so good at reminding us of that. I love the haiku… Firma terra….. excellent 🙏❤️

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yes, the things that are so transitory....

i have been moving into awareness that that is actually everything! yikes or something. lol!

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So glad you enjoyed them David. 🙏

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Skies full of drama with haiku commentary—Thank you, April!

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Thank you for being here Paul. ❤

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So inspiring. It makes me want to get up early tomorrow and see if there are any clouds.

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Wonderful Monica. I am not a natural early riser I have to admit. I force myself out of bed because I don’t want to ‘miss’ anything ha ha. I do love going out before there are many people as the world feels so different!

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