You did it again. You have led us on a spectacular journey with the pairing of your brilliant poetry with exquisite photographs.

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Thank you Stan. I really enjoyed putting this one together and making up my little story ❤

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So atmospheric

On board for the adventure!

From across the Pond

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Wonderful 🙏, thank you Heidi. So glad you could come with me on this trip ❤

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Throughly enjoyed my trip with you to the sea.

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Excellent, thank you Monica, so glad to have you along for the ride 🙏❤

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hola, april.

thank you, i had a thoroughly lovely day trip with you. loved it, the colourful description in 5-7-5 beautifully enriched with the black and white photos.

and, oddly enough, today was a day trip for me too! very rare for me, here, in oaxaca. my 2nd in almost two years. mine was to a weaving centre that is gorgeous! mountains and hills, no oceanside. and no fish and chips in the british style. i saw all steps of the weaving process, the dyes, the red from an insect the perfect red, i think; carding, spinning, weaving. all by hand! amazing.

to get there was by the amazing dynamic of the wonderful mexican transportation system of bus, collectivo and taxi. today it was bus and collectivo with a perfect timing made more joyful by the grace, calm and beauty of the mexican people even when crowded in a bus down into the step well and the open door because there was no space to close it. i have some pictures although i'm not able to share them here, of course.

so, a double trip for me today. muchas gracias.


and my simple 5-7-5 of the travel:


the open door bus,

the first step in supports me,

behind, whirl-blur road.

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Wow, this sounds exciting Guy, I'd love to see the pictures. Perhaps included somehow in the next essay? I am now imagining you clinging for dear life to the outside of a crazy bus as it whizzes down thin mountain roads with you hanging off the side over sheer drops as it careers round corners!! Ha ha, what a picture 😂❤🙏🙏

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I’m not sure why, maybe just because it’s fun and innocent, but I really liked:

“We shall eat ice cream”

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Thanks Michael. Yes I think innocent is a good word. Also it comes from the days when ice cream was a treat to get excited about, whereas now we are a bit blasé because it’s too ‘normal’.

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Ahhh yes, I remember when the ice cream truck would come down our street as kids and my sister and I would plead my parents to let us have one. Those were the days haha :)

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Enchanting ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡

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Thank you Gloria ❤❤ so glad to have you here

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May 15Liked by April Whalley

Did I hear ice cream?

Yesss! We shall eat ICE CREAM! 🍦

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Oh YES! We love it ❤️🙏

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Wonderful trip, April—love the bonus haiku!

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Thank you Paul. Haha, I felt the bonus was was slightly more haiku like and the others were more strictly speaking 5-7-5 verse 😂

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YesYesYes - But we all get caught up in the 5-7-5 anyway!

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Ha ha, I do when I'm thinking of the story too!

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These are amazing, and since some of us grew up in a black and white world, I'm digging the whole Retro vibe-great stuff, as always April

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Wonderful to take you along on this trip with me David 🙏❤️

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May 15Liked by April Whalley

By the sea, the sea

By the so beautiful sea..

How happy we'll be!

All aboard!

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Ha ha, LOVE this Michael 😁 thank you ❤️🙏

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